A New Birth Day…Everyday!

New Day Kathy Larsen Blog

Hi There! I recently experienced a Chronological Birthday! I call it this because I FEEL So Much Better, Stronger, Healthier, Happier, and Clearer than I did 15 years or more ago…YIPPPEEEEE!!!  I FEEL more Energized, Heart-Centered, Purposeful, Passionate, Empowered, Balanced, and Alive than ever before… It certainly is nice to Celebrate the number of years […]

Are We H.O.M.E. Yet???

Home Kathy Larsen Blog

The word HOME has a Heart Centered FEEL to me…  Whenever I return home from just about anything I always say to myself or out loud…ahhhhhhh…it feels good to be home! I take a deep breath of appreciation, change into some comfy clothes, and move into the energy of HOME…:-). I know not everyone has […]

Conscious Clutter Clearing…

conscious clutter clearing kathy larsen blog

Hi There! Clutter Clearing…YUCK! Anybody, besides me, have closets, drawers, boxes, and files to go through to get rid of ‘old stuff’ to make way for a more organized way of living? Releasing, Reorganizing, and Repurposing to get to a Refreshing State of Renewal is such a worthwhile endeavor…any time of year! Sometimes just taking […]

From FEAR to FREE…

from fear to free kathy larsen blog

Hi There! Anybody else been faced with FEAR energy popping in to rob us of our FREEdom to take the next steps on our journey?? Whew…been quite a ride for me lately! Since I have been in the midst of this, I thought it would be a great time to share some ways to move […]

Live the Dream in 2015!

live the dream kathy larsen blog

Happy New Year! WOW…already the 19th of January! And…it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Thought this would be a perfect day to explore a possible theme for this year… LIVE THE DREAM in 2015! The last month or so has been quite a ride of adventures up and down, round and round, inside and […]

Two Wings Out…Butterfly Metaphor Continues…!

two wings kathy larsen blog

Hi There! YES, indeed! Two wings are out and time to take a break and reflect on all the wonderful experiences that have brought me to this stage of the Butterfly Journey… Still Smiling too!   Well…the first draft of this blog post is what is above this picture…:-) And…that was on June 4th…I guess […]

One Wing Breaking Through…

one wing kathy larsen blog

Hi Again!  The Butterfly is breaking through…one wing at a time! I am grateful to have the fireplace right there and one arm free to toss anything that is no longer serving me into the fire:-). And…if you look to the right, you can see the door is open and ready for that Butterfly to […]

Listening from the Heart…

Blog Image Listening From The Heart

Welcome Back to the next phase of HeartLight Connection’s Creation… Steven was the perfect coach for me during these 3 months of exploration, understanding, and validation of where things were moving in my business which, at this point, was beginning to mirror so much about me being who I really am in the world! Opening to the new was a […]

Message…Ready to Fly!

Blog Image Message Ready To Fly

Hello and Welcome to Wings on the Road! So…on the day of my first session with my new Coach, Steven, I was jogging/walking/trotting along the road and I was suddenly stopped by this image! WOW…do you see it? Looks like wings to me…ha!  What do you think? OMG, what an awesome sign for my first coaching […]

Trust the Process…

Blog Image Trust The Process

Preparing the stage for our intentions/dreams can be the most trusting part of the creation process…  At least for me TRUST seems to be a key word. The process itself puts into play some of the most transformational times in my life. I do a pretty good job of getting a clear vision of what is nudging me to […]