One Wing Breaking Through…
Hi Again! The Butterfly is breaking through…one wing at a time! I am grateful to have the fireplace right there and one arm free to toss anything that is no longer serving me into the fire:-). And…if you look to the right, you can see the door is open and ready for that Butterfly to […]
Are You Coming Out of Your Cocoon?
Hi There! I feel like I am finally coming out of my Cocoon! How about You? Each phase of clearing the Cocoon can be a little scary sometimes! It just feels so darn safe in the protection of that Comfortable Cocoon. We know how beautiful it will be when we evolve into Butterfly Mode. However, each […]
Sacred vs. Scared on 12-12-12!
Hi There! Happy 12-12-12…It is a Beautiful Day!!! I just noticed something FUN on this day! There is just a slight switch of letters to go from Scared to Sacred…COOL! And…sometimes it just takes stepping into that ‘scared‘ feeling from a ‘sacred’ perspective to move forward on our life’s journey and BE who we are here to […]
Let Freedom Ring…and Fly!
Happy Freedom Day! I am so Blessed! On this most perfect day of celebrating FREEDOM, the last 2 Baby Martins just flew from their sweet little martin house while I was watching this morning… What powerful symbolism on this day we Celebrate Freedom! I could feel the energy of their ‘fear to fly’ as they […]
Grand Opening Validation!
Welcome Back! OK…So I announced the GRAND OPENING of HeartLight Connection yesterday in My Blog Post… Last night I went to a dinner meeting. I was learning a lot about one couple that was sitting next to us. An older couple with such sweet stories about their life. Then…someone across the table asked what I do […]
HeartLight Connection Grand Opening…
Welcome to the GRAND OPENING of HeartLight Connection! Today is May Day… Flowers are blooming and so is HeartLight Connection…YIPPPEEEE!!! As I write this post, I am reminded that the remodeling in my home is still in process… We have been living in the unfinishedness of my beautiful safe sacred space for 3 weeks now. […]
Listening from the Heart…
Welcome Back to the next phase of HeartLight Connection’s Creation… Steven was the perfect coach for me during these 3 months of exploration, understanding, and validation of where things were moving in my business which, at this point, was beginning to mirror so much about me being who I really am in the world! Opening to the new was a […]
The Name is Revealed!
Welcome to the Guided Name Selection Message… It was April 12, 2011 and my husband, Don, and I were celebrating our anniversary. Our song when we were dating was “Hello Again” by Neil Diamond. We were staying in a hotel on our anniversary night and I wanted to have that song playing as we sipped on a […]
Message…Ready to Fly!
Hello and Welcome to Wings on the Road! So…on the day of my first session with my new Coach, Steven, I was jogging/walking/trotting along the road and I was suddenly stopped by this image! WOW…do you see it? Looks like wings to me…ha! What do you think? OMG, what an awesome sign for my first coaching […]
HeartLight Connection is Blooming…!
Hi There…Welcome to HeartLight Connection’s Spring Blooming…! I am NOW ready to begin the story (that is still evolving) of the birth of HeartLight Connection… My intention in sharing this is to help you spark your HeartLight into connecting with who you are, why you are here, and what next inspired steps you might take on your […]