Welcome to 11-11-11…

I do enjoy the numbers!  And…today is a very powerful one… So…in honor of 11-11-11, following are 11 things we can do to help us stay in the vibration of peace, love, and joy:

1.   Meditate…why not try it for 11 minutes…
2.   Take a deep breath and let it out with a sigh…
3.   Do a happy dance in the kitchen or living room…
4.   Every time you see LOL…do it…
5.   Sing along when you hear a song you know…
6.   Journal your thoughts…
7.   Draw a picture…color it…
8.   Go for a walk in the woods…
9.   Hug somebody…
10. Follow a child in play time…
11.  SMILE…

These are just a few ideas to help open the door to more happy energy coming your way!  

Look forward to our next connection… 


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