Hi There…Welcome to the Message about Messages!
The journey into living more fully into HeartLight Connection continues to be one of the most amazing times in my life!
SO…I thought it would be fun to share the message that showed up to help me KNOW with complete certainty that Steven was the coach for me in the months prior to the name (HeartLight Connection) being revealed…
The beach ball in this picture IS the message I received to move forward with Steven. Here is what happened. When exploring the coaching options that I was guided to in the ‘Just About Perfect’ Coaching Directory, I viewed a few of Steven’s speaking videos and there was one with an aqua beach ball that he was using to demonstrate a point about perceptions. So…I am jogging around the lake shortly after watching that video and the question “Is Steven the most optimal coach for me at this time?” came to mind. Right after I thought the question, I saw an aqua beach ball on the grass right in front of me. WOW…it isn’t like aqua beach balls are a common color, not to mention it really wasn’t the swimming time of year. And to see it immediately after my question was the sign I needed to validate ‘He was the coach for me’!
Once we become aware of the multiple ways that messages come to us…life becomes a playful game of paying attention, following through with the guidance, and enjoying the journey…
Stay tuned in the next blog post for the fun sign that I received on the day of my first session with Steven…
In the meantime…enjoy the signs that show up for you in your everyday life!