Welcome to the GRAND OPENING of HeartLight Connection!
Today is May Day… Flowers are blooming and so is HeartLight Connection…YIPPPEEEE!!!
As I write this post, I am reminded that the remodeling in my home is still in process…
We have been living in the unfinishedness of my beautiful safe sacred space for 3 weeks now. WOW…so many symbols, messages, metaphors, lessons, and unfoldings during this time of unrest! My biggest awareness is the importance of surrendering into the moment and letting go of any expectations and enjoying the journey…no matter WHAT shows up…ha!
So…in the midst of the chaos, in light of everyday new beginnings, and in the spirit of following through with intuitive guidance… Today is the day to announce the GRAND OPENING of HeartLight Connection… Well…it seems as if HeartLight Connection just wants more people to know it is here and ready for business… So…I thought I would share how we got to this stage of the journey…
After the website was created, I felt it was time for another coach to come into the picture. I went back to the coaching directory where I found Steven and was guided to a person I had checked out earlier. I saw that she had done several new things with her business offerings. And…it appeared that she had moved into creating some new products and services in a way that I was headed. Then…when I saw her blog post for that day…I knew she was the one for me! Here is the link https://blog.truebalancelifecoaching.com/2011/12/trust-yourself.html. It was funny because at the end of our first coaching session, she read this particular blog post to me, not knowing that it was the thing that moved me into the YES…she is the one! Another valuable confirmation… Don’t you love it when that happens???
Shann at www.truebalancelifecoaching.com has been a kindred spirit and amazing connection to collaborate and create with for the next stage of my journey and HeartLight Connection’s launch… I have learned so much from her based on her expertise and experience. She has helped me move with more courage into the use of new technologies…this is HUGE! And…we have laughed along the way as the HeartLight Connection branding process has flourished… Thanks, Shann! You are a creative genius and supportive soul!
So…the blogging continues and all of the pieces of the puzzle come together as HeartLight Connection leads the way into the next sparks of this true adventure… And…the Grand Opening Energy…Well..It opens doors to new avenues of connecting, collaborating, and creating with those I am here to serve… Expanded offerings and new creations will be announced along the way… Stay tuned and let me know if you want to be added to my mailing list by going to heartlightconnection.com/contact/.
Are you ready to open new doors? Do you have unfinished business to finish? Are you seeing the guidance in everyday life experiences? Are you surrendering and letting go of the old? Is someone knocking at your door? Are you ready for your Grand Opening? Do you have the support that you need to proceed?
Have FUN with these questions! AND…Happy May Day! A day to share our basket of goodies and gifts wih the world in a spirit of playfulness, connectedness, and love…Enjoy!