Are You Living Your Purpose?

Hi There!

Happy New Year!  2016 is already bringing some amazing new connections and creations…COOL!

Resolutions for the New Year work for some people and not for others… I am more of an ‘in the moment’ person. So my underlying Heart-Centered Intentions pretty much stay the same, and what unfolds from those is ALWAYS QUITE AMAZING and FUN!  Basically, I put a LOT OF ENERGY into REALLY FEELNG my 3 Key Intentions every day while taking at least 3 Deep Heart-Breaths…

I have a ‘Special Time’ every morning where I prepare for the day and the Intention Feeling Heart-Breathing is part of that ritual. Then, throughout the day, whenever I feel a little off, I take another Intention Feeling Heart-Breath. Then, at the end of the day, as I lay in bed, I do the Intention Feeling Heart-Breathing 3 times again before I drift off to sleep…

From this activity the people, places, projects, and things to do begin to show up in amazing ways… It just makes me SMILE when I think about it:-). It is a matter of Trusting the Intuitive Guidance and Following Through with it…one step at a time! This is the part that can be a little tricky…Trusting and Following Through…lol:-). And…I am getting better and better everyday at doing that…it definitely takes practice:-)!

As I continue to step into these guided steps, I end up creating, updating, and engaging, throughout the days, months, and years, with what shows up in alignment with my Intentions. Many of the opportunities that reveal themselves are things I could not have imagined in a strategy or planning process. And…well…I gotta say…magical things begin to unfold quite playfully! This is a very uplifting way to Allow the Universe to assist in ways that are beyond my comprehension (well…at this point of my human evolution anyway:-).

This may be something you would like to consider adding to your daily activities. Whether you have a long list of goals, objectives, strategies or key resolutions for the New Year, this Intention Feeling Heart-Breathing will amplify the energy and help to bring things into reality with more ease and grace…in the Spirit of JOY!!

Follow your BlissAnd…This certainly is a GREAT time of year to tap into the energy of all the people everywhere who are focusing on starting 2016 with new resolutions, goals, and plans for the New Year! It just adds another boost to the creation vibration that is happening throughout the year…YAY!

And…The subject of this message takes us into a deeper reflection of these resolutions, goals, plans, intentions, etc. that you enjoy creating at this time of year! Whatever is your way of addressing the New Year Focus is perfect for you…Congratulations for taking the time to reflect, review, and renew! So…as a part of your reflection time, you may want to consider asking yourself this question:

“Am I Living my Purpose in All Areas of My Life…and Enjoying it”??

There have been a few key times in my life where I was “stopped in my tracks”
with jolts of what one might call “tragedy” to shake me up a bit in order to “force me” to step back and ask this question to myself. These were times where I was busy, busy, busy paying little attention to my body’s messages, worrying about this or that or the other thing, racing around unconsciously doing doing doing, and really not focusing on what really matters! And…I certainly was NOT doing the Intention Feeling Heart-Breathing…lol:-)!

So…the gift of the “tragedies” slowed me down…or stopped me…so I could spend the much needed time addressing this question. These “tragedies” have truly been the “GIFTS” I needed to get me to where I am today…Living my Life on Purpose, with Passion, in Playfulness…YIPPPPEEEEE!!!  And…this is what has guided me to help others do that too!!! I truly believe we are here to enjoy life and express our authentic heart-centered selves by Living our Unique Purpose in Every Day Life…

NOW…I have 3 Test Questions to help me know if I am Living My Purpose:

1.  When I wake up in the morning do I say to myself…YES…I LOVE MY LIFE!!!???
2.  Periodically throughout the day do I SMILE and say to myself (or out loud:-)…YES…I LOVE MY LIFE!!!???
3.  When I go to bed at night do I take a few deep Breaths and say…YES…THANK YOU…I LOVE MY LIFE!!!??? 

Well…I have to say…at times it isn’t a resounding YES…lol:-)  However, when it isn’t a yes…I have learned to truly tap into my Intuitive nature and check to see what actions I may need to take to get back to the YES! This is the beautiful thing about Intuition…it gives us information from our heart for what we as individuals need to do. It may not be the same for everyone. And…for me…some of the guidance seems a little strange at first…lol:-)  The good news is…IT WORKS!!!  And…the more I follow through…the better it works…the more fun it becomes…and the more on purpose I feel… VERY COOL!

In future blogs, I will share more about the key “tragedies” that became “GIFTS” on my journey! I also will share more really cool easy exercises that I have used to take me to a much deeper level of realizing what I really really really want to create in my life!

My Intention is to help you more fully Live your Life’s Purpose…Every Day!  If you are having difficulty saying YES to one or more of the 3 “Am I Living My Purpose” Test Questions, or if you are still looking for the GIFT in a “tragedy” or two, you might want to consider contacting me for a free consultation to explore the options that may be optimal for you to Clear the way to more Purpose, Passion, and Playfulness in your every day life! 

Or…check out the “Live Your Purpose PlayShop” I will be facilitating on Saturday, January 23, 2016.

Until next time…Have a Magical, Meaningful, and Miraculous 2016…


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