We are FREE!

11-11-12…A Message of FREEdom on Veterans Day…

Message I AM FREE 002

Sitting in the silence extends the energy of the quiet reflection that embraces this day of remembering…  Remembering those who have served this country in good times and in bad to protect the FREEdom that our fore-fathers and mothers have so beautifully created over OH so many years…  So many lives disrupted and lost over the years. Remembering Remembering Remembering… (Guns shooting in the backgrouund now from hunters on the river as I type these words). Reminding of the many guns that were shot to maim and kill and the suffering that has happened over and over again… Taking lives and changing lives all for the sake of FREEdom…

We are FREE…We are FREE…We are FREE…:-)

Engage now in the energy of FREEDOM’S call as so many have lost their lives for this sake of FREEdom. What a beautiful day to engage in the FREEdom to choose, the FREEdom to move forward, the FREEdom to be who we are here to be on this planet…in this country…and beyond.  Stand tall in the memory of old and bless those who have gone before us to keep FREEdom’s door open for all to proceed in the land of the FREE… The home of the BRAVE… Yes Yes Yes…We are FREE…  In peace, love, gratitude, and joy…

NOW…relinquish the old energies of war and respect this new FREEdom door…
It is open and ready to create more and more…

FREE to Be who we are called to Be…This is the FREEdom for us to see…

Engage it now in all we do…FREEdom reflects in this world renewed…

Energy waves of Paradise flows…Insights engage as FREEdom grows…

Expanding more into the air…Yes indeed FREEdom is there…everywhere…

Live It Love It Lighten Up Today…Shine through the HeartLight of FREEdom’s Ray…

Let Go Allow and ACT in heart guided ways…Flow FREEdom now in all the days…

Lift your arms and dance and sing…FREEdom rings through everything…

Thank You Thank You to all who serve…the line is straight, no more curves…

Balanced Aligned and Ready to Grow…Expanding FREEdom wherever we go…

We are FREE…We are FREE…We are FREE…To BE who we are here to BE…


I am in Deep Gratitude for all who serve in sustaining and creating FREEdom in so many ways…
Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU!!!!

What a great day to reflect on how FREEdom is showing up in our lives!  Are we taking steps to engage our heart and soul in the FREEdom to be, do, have what we are here to create? Do we see the FREEdom around us everyday in so many ways?  Do we rejoice in the present moments of FREEdom?  Take a deep breath with me now and FEEL the FREEdom Flowing FREEly…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:-)  

Until next time…Enjoy FREEdom Today and Everyday…!

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