Hi There!
Happy 12-12-12…It is a Beautiful Day!!!
I just noticed something FUN on this day! There is just a slight switch of letters to go from Scared to Sacred…COOL! And…sometimes it just takes stepping into that ‘scared‘ feeling from a ‘sacred’ perspective to move forward on our life’s journey and BE who we are here to BE…
There is something very sacred about stepping into that scared energy… When it shows up…it typically means we are ready to take that one sacred step to move through it… And…as we tap into our Heart Center we can pretty much tell whether the scared means to back off…or if it means to take that sacred step…:-)
The Heart is the key to processing our fears…at least that has been the case for me. As fearful things show up in our daily lives…just stopping, taking a deep breath from the Heart (OK maybe a few deep breaths:-), and letting it out in whatever way it wants to come out…sometimes forceful, sometimes gentle, sometimes somewhere in between…just relax into this sacred time and allow the scared to be present and melt away into sacred… AHHHHHHHHHHHH…FEELS GREAT!
December is normally filled with all kinds of energies to play into with the Holidays and year end activities… And…this year of 2012 is even MORE active because of all the astrological changes, prophecies, and the like… This time in our history is seen as a turning point for several cultures. Many prophecies speak of the end of one era and the beginning of a new one… A significant shift in nature, planetary alignment, and human consciousness is a common theme…
The energetic frequencies in the air can be very scary or incredibly sacred… I personally have been feeling the extremes along with many of my clients. I just want to say…from my viewpoint…we are in the most AMAZING times on the planet right now… It is a perfect time to let go of those old habits, patterns, belief sytems, thoughts, etc. that are no longer serving us and open to a new way of being in the flow of it all from a place of sacredness and love... As the old fear based systems break down…the New World emerges! And…as the Hopi Elders’ Prophecy says “We are the One’s we’ve been waiting for”!
SO…I invite you to join me in shifting the SCARED into SACRED as we close out this 2012 Year and Open our Hearts more fully to the Peace, Love, Joy, Harmony, and Grace that is ready to engage with us in 2013!
I am so grateful to all of those who have touched my life, opened my heart, and assisted me in moving from scared to sacred in so many ways over the years! Thank You Thank You Thank You from the bottom of my Heart! And…Thank You Thank You Thank You to all of those individuals and groups who have been guided to me to assist you in gaining clarity and clearing the way to being who you are here to be on this planet at this time… Your openness, willingness, and playfulness makes my Heart Sing…
And…To Everyone reading this blog post…please feel free to share any comments or questions! And…Enjoy this Precious Light-Filled Season of Hanukkah, Christmas, Winter Solstice, New Years, and ALL the other Celebrations that are part of your world!
Until next time…CHEERS!!!