Are You Coming Out of Your Cocoon?

Hi There!  I feel like I am finally coming out of my Cocoon!  How about You?

Mike, Zhenia, Me Tent, River Cabin 014Each phase of clearing the Cocoon can be a little scary sometimes! It just feels so darn safe in the protection of that Comfortable Cocoon. We know how beautiful it will be when we evolve into Butterfly Mode. However, each step of the process can bring up little (or sometimes BIG) fear energies that keep wanting us to go back in there instead of breaking FREE to BE the Beautiful Butterfly that we are destined to BE! So…as you can see…I am inching my way out and already a smile touches my face as I begin to see clearly how beautiful and playful it is outside of the comfort of the cocoon.

So…one step at a time…the NEW ME is breaking FREE!  Hope that’s TRUE for YOU TOO!

I’m back to posting on My Blog again after several months. And…I now have a HeartLight Connection Facebook Page ( in case you are guided to ‘LIKE’ it:-). And…I just finished writing the “Let Go” Chapter of my new book. I am taking these as SIGNS that I am Breaking FREE to Butterfly Land…YAY! Thank you Comfortable Cocoon for being such a supportive and loving place to hibernate in preparation for this new stage of my journey…

How is your Butterfly Breakthrough coming along?? Would love to hear from you…

Until next time…Have a Happy Colorful Butterfly Day!

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