One Wing Breaking Through…

Hi Again!  The Butterfly is breaking through…one wing at a time!

I am grateful to have the fireplace right there and one arm free to toss anything that is no longer serving me into the fire:-). And…if you look to the right, you can see the door is open and ready for that Butterfly to Fly! And…if you look closely you can see that the SMILE is still there in the midst of this transformation…

Mike, Zhenia, Me Tent, River Cabin 015

I just love metaphors and symbolism! Since many of you enjoyed the last Butterfly Blog, I decided to keep the story going. My Butterfly Story is a continuing saga of the ebb and flow of cocooning and butterflying and everything in between.

Because I am at my best when I am speaking, facilitating, coaching, and writing many of you may think my journey has been one of continuously flying high and soaring on the wings of a butterfly. Well…my response to that is. “I guess you weren’t there when I was laying on the floor in a fetal position crying my eyes out, in gut wrenching fear, and heart-hammering emotions screaming at the top of my lungs, “Why won’t anyone help me, PLEASE, I need someone to help me…I feel so alone…no one will help me…SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!”.  

Actually, I had told my husband right before this episode NOT to bother me if he heard any weird things going on in my healing room…LOL:-) I just knew that something BIG was surfacing inside of me and it was WAY READY to be released… I wasn’t quite sure how that was going to happen. However, my guidance was telling me to go into my special meditation space, light some candles, put a particular piece of music on, lay down on the floor, take 3 deep belly breaths, and let my body take it from there…  It was absolutely amazing as I took each of those steps and then witnessed the emotions surfacing in my body and allowed it all to come out and clear the way to the next stage of my journey…

Afterwards, as I was still on the floor, I took a couple of deep refreshing breaths …AHHHHHHHH! Then…I SMILED and said out loud “WOW…That was COOL”! 

I have to admit, that was one of my most intense releases! However…it was a very Memorable One! And…so many tentacles of awareness came to me after that experience. This took me to a new level of understanding about the LOAD of ‘stuff’ that I was letting go of in that multi-faceted guided activity.

SO…I have many more examples of multiple ways that I have ‘cleared the way’ on my path as “stuff” came up for exploration. I am so grateful for this journey and all the experiences and amazing practitioners, coaches, friends, healers, etc. who have played a key role in my  transformations. Sometimes I could handle it myself, as described above. Other times I needed support, guidance, and encouragement from someone I was guided to next on my journey…  

And…BTW…my journey is a continuing playground of exploration. I am still experiencing amazing people, places, and things to support and encourage me along the way. However, at this point, I recognize more quickly the ‘stuff’ that may be ready to release, trust my guidance, follow through, and move more quickly to that next butterfly place. The difference now is that I do it more in the playful energy of ease and grace and the spirit of joy…

And…one of the most rewarding and honoring things that I do in my work (play:-) is to help others move through the “stuff” that shows up for them as they move more fully into creating more Purpose, Passion, and Playfulness in Every Day Life!

So…if you feel like screaming “HELP!  SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!”, you might want to consider checking in with your Heart to see if it is time to schedule a Private Session with me (In-person, Phone, or Skype) or come to a Conscious Creation PlayShop, Retreat, or some other event to play into your unique situation and clear the way to take the next steps on your journey…

And…if you are guided to…please feel free to share a comment or one of your ‘cocooning into butterfly’ stories here! I would love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by… 

Watch for the next episode of the Butterfly Metaphor Story coming soon…

In the meantime…Have an  Amazingly Awesome Journey!


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