Butterfly Freedom…on FREEDOM DAY!

Yes Yes Yes…the Butterfly Spread her wings and began to fly on the 4th of July!

Butterfly is Born

The words below came to me prior to July 4th! You might want to consider taking a DEEP BREATH, then read the words as they Spark your Heart and Ignite your Soul into Full Flow!

The way is clear for Bright Lights to Flash…on Freedom Day…at last at last…

Prepare the way for Celebration and More…as you step through the haze and open the door…

Together we shine and take a stand…Just open the door and reach out your hand…

We touch it with honor and love you too…we take your hand as you step out of the goo…

Yes, my dear, it is time to BE FREE…from the goo that has kept you from Flying with ME… 

The Soul Self I AM and filled with Energy….to Lighten your load and Create Loving Synergy!

SO…as the Butterfly breaks through, the Soul Self Engages, and all comes together for the next chapter of life living life in each precious moment! So many amazing fireworks and beautiful celebrations as we celebrate the birth of our country and the freedom it brings! And…in the midst of it ALL the Butterfly opens its empowering wings…:-)  I can already FEEL the new adventures coming into play…HIP HIP HOORAY!!!  Stay tuned…

How is your Butterfly Transformation coming along? Would love to hear from you! We are in Mid-Year Now… This is a perfect time to re-view the past, let go of the old ‘goo’ no longer serving us, and open Freedom’s Door at last! 

Until next time…Happy Soaring!

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