C.R.U.D. B.U.G. Clearing & Clarity

C = Creative, R = Releasing, U = Under, D = Distress...in order to: B = Bring, U = Understanding, G = Guidance

Health Mask 

                                                                C = Creative
                                                                R = Releasing
                                                                U = Under
                                                                D = Distress

                                                                  in order to:

                                                                B = Bring
                                                                U = Understanding
                                                                G = Guidance

   On our Soul’s Journey…

I am bringing this real life experience (story) to you for 3 main reasons:

To demonstrate how our every day life IS the spiritual journey…when we view it that way!
To help you clear out some old “stuff” that may not be serving you any longer too!
To create a shift to more clarity as you live your Purpose-Filled life more fully!

SO…here we go:

It was Tuesday, 12-19-17 when I first felt a slight headache and scratchy throat. I had been supporting my 92 year old Mom through the affects of a ‘tiny’ mini stroke that happened on November 21st. Her body, mind, and spirit were slowly getting worse day by day. At this point, I had taken her to the ER twice and back to her Assisted Living Apartment…

AND…as she was getting worse, my body began to get worse. OMG…REALLY?? What a time for me to get what I have called the C.R.U.D. B.U.G.!! Any time something like this shows up in my body, I see it as a cleansing/detoxing experience. Although, it is not really all that much fun while I am in it…I KNOW on the other side of it, I will be better, brighter, and bolder than I was before it showed up:-)! That truly has always been the case! This time was a bit different because in the midst of my “cleansing/detoxing” I was also being there for my Mom at a very critical time…Whew!

After a couple of days, I was feeling a little better, just really not up to par for sure. My husband got it really bad and was in bed for 5 days with a fever and the coughing that would not go away for weeks. And…I gotta say…he is such a healthy guy…not one of those people who does the ‘sick’ thing very well…if you know what I mean…LOL:-). He is also normally a huge help with my Mom…this time THAT was not the case. I was on my own! I get a little teary when I typed those last 5 words…

Have you every felt alone with no support? Have you ever felt like you have too many responsibilities with not enough time and energy to deal with them all? Have you ever shouldered the burdens of others because you ‘thought’ you had to? Have you ever been sick and still plug away and do what you have to do in order to survive or assist someone else to survive no matter how crappy you feel? And…No matter how much you really do not want to, you do it anyway?? If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may want to read on…

Adventure Find

On 12-23-17 in the evening, I just laid down on the couch to relax and the phone rang…S#@t! It was my Mom’s Assisted Living and they needed me to come there right away. She was really really bad and they did not know what to do. Whew…I am exhausted at this point! Between me having the C.R.U.D. B.U.G. and thinking about all the things that were not working so far for my Mom with all the doctor appointments, medications, healing modalities, and more…she was still getting worse! I just cried right there on the phone and said “I don’t know what to do either”.

SO…3rd time to take Mom to ER in 9 days! She was in so much pain…screaming and really pretty out of it…very scary! This time they admitted her to the hospital with Influenza A, Kidney Issues, and then she developed Pneumonia while she was in the hospital.

OK…this is where it gets interesting! My C.R.U.D. B.U.G. has now graduated to laryngitis and my Mom cannot hear very well at all. Plus, she is in so much pain and her mind has been failing too. SO…I am her voice and I can barely talk…LOL:-)! Actually, it was not that funny at the time. However, on some level I knew this was all happening for a reason and I just needed to stay calm…everything is going to be all right…no matter what happens… If it is her time to go, I knew she would be way better off than what she was going through now. Here is one example of that. I left the room when they were doing a chest x-ray. She was screaming so loud that everyone behind the desk and in the hallways stopped everything they were doing. I squeaked out very hoarsely, “That’s my Mom” 🙁

AND…in the midst of this frustrating situation, I stepped into a very profound time of personal reflection, clearing, and transformation. I know one of the most valuable things for me to do is live the tools and teachings that I have been guided to create over the years. Paying close attention to what we are thinking/focusing/feeling and to what is happening in our everyday life is what I believe to be the foundational principle of living life to its fullest. Tapping into our Heart’s Guidance…then Trusting and Following Through with it is also a key component for living a Purpose-Filled Life…

SO…when things are not showing up how we have planned or thought or expected or envisioned, etc. it is time to check in to see what is up and how to proceed. During this situation I was doing everything in my power to step into a new view of things that were occurring. AND…finding the guidance I needed to proceed into each next step…

SO…this experience pulled and pushed me into some realizations that I definitely needed to discover in order to proceed into the next phase of my personal and professional life!

Have you ever felt pulled, pushed, and tossed around in places you would prefer not to go? Then, to find out afterwards that it was the most perfect place to go in order to get you to where you needed to be?

Remembering these outcomes of the past is a great place to reflect when we are pulled into another place of resistance or chaos. These types of words/energy can also be helpful. “Everything is happening for a reason” or “Everything always works out for me” or “I will be Better, Brighter, and Bolder on the other side of this”. Or, use whatever words work for you to shift the energy in the midst of what may appear as disaster. The more we do this, the stronger the feeling gets…lots of Deep Breathing helps too!

Mom Home After RebabBottom Line…Mom made it through this situation with flying colors after a week in the hospital and a month in rehab. It is truly a miracle, in so many ways, that she is still with us. She celebrated her 93rd birthday in March!

I made it through it too! And…I am definitely Better, Brighter, and Bolder than I was before it all happened…YIPPPPEEEEE!

Here are a few key discoveries I made during this amazing Transformational Time.
My intention in sharing these is to assist you in addressing any “unplanned” experiences that may show up in your daily life. Or, it may spark some ways to see things from the creative lens of curiosity vs. victimhood. Here goes:

Took Care of Myself First! I continued to make time every morning for my meditation, energy medicine routine, inspirational reading, yummy coffee, and healthy shake before walking out the door all bundled up to forge the winter weather to get to the hospital before the doctor’s round. I went to bed by 8:00 each night so I could allow my body the rest it needed to recover. I took optimal supplements and drank lots of water to assist my healing journey. So…Listening to our body’s needs everyday and following through with what it says is so important if we want to live a vibrant healthy life! This is especially true when we are in very stressful situations!


Cleared Major Blocks to Speaking My Truth and Asking For Help!
These Blocks surfaced BIG time during this ordeal. As I Let Go of Control and Surrendered into what was happening from a renewed level of awareness, I got this amazing message from the Universe when I asked the question, “Is there something for me to clear here”? I was sitting in the hospital waiting area and when I looked up I saw these MEGA-BLOKS sitting there…LOL:-)! Silly winks popping in here and there to show me the way and keep me smiling. So…with this one..I GOT IT and began to dig deeper and clear out some old blocks/beliefs/habits that were no longer serving me…YAY!

Discovered (even more) How Much I Love my Speaking/Facilitating/Coaching Biz!
I needed to cancel classes, client connections, collaborations, new creations, and so much more during this time. I realized how grateful I am for the people, places, and things I am honored to connect with on a regular basis and how much I missed the interactions! Since this ordeal, new biz offerings have been created and lots more are to come…YIPPPEEE!

Realized Importance of Money Flowing While I Sleep! I was reminded of something my Dad always said, “It is great when you have money coming in while you sleep”. I became acutely aware of this for a couple of months where I was not able to do my business, but still had the expenses. So…I am now putting additional energy into some fun exciting adventures that do not necessarily require my physical presence…COOL!

Heard Loud and Clear…Time to Write Write Write!! I had been getting many signs and messages, before the C.R.U.D. B.U.G., that it was time to finish my next book, get the newsletters/blogs out, and publish a variety of writings I have completed over the last several years. I am now taking the steps to get them moving. Also, since I could not talk, I wrote a couple of pretty amazing things that were part of clearing the ‘MEGA BLOCKS’ around ‘speaking my truth and asking for help’. This was a huge transformational moment for me in so many ways…WOW!

Learned a Lot about Doctors, Nurses, Emergency Rooms, Hospitals, Rehab, and more!
The biggest discovery here is how important it is to have someone (me in this case) who has the entire story of what has happened, when, by who, etc. so the weaving together of all the information actually happens…WHEW! Honestly, some areas could definitely use some help…probably a good thing I could not talk…ha! However, There are amazing people in the healthcare industry and I am so grateful to the caregivers who truly care and provide amazing service! Thank You Thank You Thank You!

Mom Me Masks

My Mom is a Strong Woman! She made it through this when people a lot younger than her did not. I come from a long line of strong women and I am so grateful that we both came through with Flying Colors and Better, Brighter, and Bolder because of it! Thanks, Mom!

Hopefully, as you read this story, you picked up some things that may help you on your
life’s journey. Just by reading it, old habits/patterns/beliefs may have already been shifted into a new view for you. Or, maybe you can step inside your heart and see what may be there for you to explore into more…

And…if you feel the nudge for assistance on your journey…Feel Free to Contact MeI offer FREE 22 Minute Clarity Conversations, by phone, for those who are  ready, open, and willing for what comes forth to get you going on your next step…which may or may not be with ME:-)!!

Best wishes for Magic and Miracles to show up in your daily life!

Happy Heart Hugs,


Note:  After my Mom’s amazing recovery described in this Blog, she went through more hospital and rehab situations as she was preparing for her time to let go of her physical body. It was hard to see her in so much pain along the way and we knew it was time for support from hospice. So many beautiful things synchronized during her time of letting go. Lots of ‘in the moment” messages and synchronicities guided the decisions along the way. Messages were coming to me from my Dad who passed away in 2003, from her Mom, and her 10 brothers and sisters who were on the other side waiting for her with open arms to join them. I even got to tell her this before she went unconscious. She was the 11th of 11 children…

I had the honor of spending special time with her in her unconscious state…singing to her and telling her how much she was loved and appreciated. And…asking her to please hang on long enough for my brothers to get there. They did get there and the perfect priest for our type of family came to give her last rights. Mom was 93 when she left her body on August 29, 2018 about 10 minutes after the priest left. She planned it perfectly as my niece was getting married in a few days in South Dakota and the family was in the area for that occasion. They could stay for the funeral and not have to travel back for it. That would definitely be something Mom would arrange…

She even brought in a whole flock of birds during the outdoor wedding. We were all pretty sure she brought the relatives on the other side with her for the celebration!  And…remember that day the Nebraska Game got cancelled because of severe weather. That was the day of my niece’s wedding…pretty sure Mom had something to do with that…no one was going to be watching a football game during Brooke’s Wedding Reception…LOL:-)!  Love You Mom! Thanks for being the bright spirited, playful, caring, accepting, loving, giving, and so much more person you were in the physical…and that you continue to be in the heavenly place you are now! I so appreciate all the messages you continue to bring to me in so many creative and playful ways… YOU are THE BEST!!

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